Muslim Baby Boy Names
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Kaashif (Pioneer,Revealing,Discoverer)
Kadeem ( Slave to god)
Kafi (Another name for God; talented)
Kajji ( An authority of hadith at Baghdad ))
Kalbi (An authority on genealogy and the Quran ))
Kalim (Another name for Prophet Muhammad ))
Kamil ( Perfect, complete)
Karamah (Nobility, miracle)
Karim (Kind hearted, generous)
Kaamil (Perfect, accomplished)
Kafeel (Responsible, Surety, Sponsor ))
Kahill (Best friend)
Kalam (Another name for the Quran; speech)
Kaleem ( Speaker, talker)
Kamal ( Perfection, completeness)
Kamish (skillfull)
Kareem (Generous; Noble)
Karukar (Another name for God, workers ))
Kashef (Uncoverer)
Kasir (Another name for God; One who breaks ))
Kawkab ( Star)
Kaysan (Wise)
Khadim (Servant, attendant)
Khair Udeen ( The good of the Faith)
Khalaf (Successor, Descendants)
Khaldun (Implies eternity)
Kasib (Winner, provider)
Kateb (Writer)
Kausar (108th Surah of the Quran ))
Kawthar (Much, Abundant, Copious ))
Kazim (Restrainer of anger)
Khabir (One of 99 names of God; wisdom; ))
Khafid (Easy, comfortable, smooth ))
Khairy (Easy, comfortable, smooth ))
Khaldoon (Old Arabic name)
Khaleed (Abiding)
Khaleel (Friend)
Khalid (Eternal, glorious)
Khalil (Good friend)
Khalis ( Pure, clear)
Khallaq ( Another name for God)
Kharijah (Outside, external)
Khateeb ( Orator, Preacher)
Khayr (Goodness, health, Safe)
Khayyat (Tailor)
Khidash (Name of Prophet (SAW)'s companion)
Khaleeq (Suitable (for), Worthm Deserving, Polite)
Khalifah (Successor, Caliph)
Khaliq (One of the ninety-nine names of God ))
Khallad (Old, Aged)
Khannas (Being)
Khasib (Fertile, Productive, Profuse ))
Khazin (Treasurer)
Khidr (Green)
Khinzeer (( Harmless creature of god)
Khubayb (A fast walker, (name of companion) ))
Khunays (Hidden (name of companion) ))
Khuraymah (name of companion)
Kifayat ( Enough, sufficient)
Kulthum (name of companion)
Khirash (Scratching, Scraping)
Khulayd (Abiding, (name of companion) ))
Khursheed ( The sun)
Khuzaymah (Old Arabic name)
Kishwar (A country, region)
Khalisah (Pure, clear)
Kanz (Treasure)