Sanjay Gandhi Botanical and Zoological Garden

StartThe toy trainMonkeysAlligatorsEmuLionHyenaTigerBearsFreshly hatched alligatorsZebra CageZebrasDeerMore deerHippopotamusPeacocksMore peacocksBirdsThe snake houseThe fish-shaped fish houseKeep Zoo CleanThe temple inside zooThe snack barThe lake
Sanjay Gandhi Botanical and Zoological Garden of Patna is one of the most extensive site of it's kind in the entire country. It includes flora and fauna from various parts of India as well as other countries.
The Garden is open throughout the year.
During the New Year's Day, and other holidays, the park is generally packed with people living in Patna as well as tourists from neighboring towns. Picnic and cookouts are all around with people dressed in colorful clothes to celebrate the occasion.
Adjacent to the Garden, Patna's famous 18-hole golf course is situated providing the finest in golf in Bihar. Including some of the very tough holes, the course allows beautiful surroundings for both amateur and pros, children and adults alike.